Announcing Cardano Sounds, original audio clip minted into NFT just for you!

Cardano Sounds CNFT
3 min readMay 28, 2021


Cardano Sounds Community Token (CSCT) — design for our Cardano native token

Non-fungible tokens in the blockchain world aren’t new, but we believe there is still a long way to go.

Cardano Sounds project contains an automated distribution system, as multiple NFT projects on Cardano did before.

Besides getting hands-on Cardano experience, I (Twitter) wanted to create an automated system for art distribution without any manual pre-mint and creating NFTs on demand. This could level up the user experience a bit during the sale. We can show the status of individual transactions during the generation process and interesting live statistics about sales and tokens in creation. A sale like that would work great with a time-limited minting policy for the creation of NFTs. Releasing it open source could also help other artists to build their platforms for distribution, or provide our platform for their collections.

While thinking about it, looking for an artist to collaborate with, Cardano space got flooded by many NFT projects, so that wouldn’t suffice.

However, an idea was born. All are visual. Let’s look into audio! And I even knew an artist for this (B.O.P.).

So what we created? List of original sound clips that could be put together with an algorithm to create a new track. Music tracks contain few different loops, running together, each category of its own (drums, bass, musical instruments, or other sounds). For each of those categories, we have original music clips with different probabilities. We will add the 6th layer as a signature, so each file should be unique even at extreme numbers of runs.

We can join sounds using code to create a new track. Multiplying probabilities of sounds (20% = 0.2) in the created audio file will give us the total probability of the NFT. We will call this number a rarity to stay within the NFT jargon.

We can create some audio clips and distribute NFTs on one blockchain, is that our end goal? We are hoping this is just the start.

We want to develop a community-driven platform to trade, create, share, collect, and use non-fungible tokens with audio. The plan is to build the project on Cardano and get the community around us to improve on feedback. That is why with each transaction, the buyer will also get our Cardano Sounds Community Token (CSCT), which we plan to leverage in the future (mainly for voting).

Our following goals consist of making tools and UI to allow simple edit of audio files before making NFT and allowing other artists to set up their distributions. Profiles for artists and collectors would enable sharing and more interactions inside of the community. We also plan to create sound libraries by locking audio NFTs inside of a smart contract. People looking for sound clips into their visual NFTs, or audio artist looking for just that right sound, could use them to create new NFTs for a small fee. These fees would work as royalties to the artists providing sounds to the smart contract.

Now is that all? No.

The future of NFTs isn’t in one blockchain. NFTs are slowly becoming the catalyst for the interoperability of blockchains and the real world. I believe they could also be the catalyst for interoperability between chains. Artists shouldn’t be required to choose one blockchain. On the other hand, collectors shouldn’t need multiple different wallets and tools to buy art.

For this reason, after releasing Cardano Sounds, we will be working on a similar solution on Algorand, where we can get further feedback and more community members. This will allow us to think about interoperability from the start, in each part of the development and design, before merging networks into one platform.

We will be releasing code on git and we would like to motivate collaborations with bounties from sales. You can listen to our sample from sounds that will be used here.

